Welcome to the 2024 Carney 10k & SligoHalf Marathon
Online 2024 Race Entries are now closed.
On the day registration is still possible (at the Oxfield Community Centre from 9:30am on April 1st).
For all those who have entered, please click here to read / download our Race Information document to help you plan your day and enjoy the event.
This is the 18th annual Carney 10K race, and our 3rd Sligo Half Marathon.
The event will take place on Easter Monday, April 1st 2024.
The event has so much to offer:
- AAI Measured
- Chip Timed
- Prizes in Categories:
- Perpetual Cup for M&F 1/2 Winner
- Tea /coffee and sandwich Refreshments
- Spot Prizes
Categories will include:
- 1,2,3 M and F
- Over 40s M
- Over 40s F
- Over 45M
- Over 45F
- Over 50 M
- Over 50 F
- Over 60 M
- Over 60 F
- Teams
Participants of the half marathon will receive a customised T-shirt and a customised medal, while participants of the 10k will receive a customised T-shirt (subject to stock availability).
- Places will be strictly limited and a first come first served basis
- No Refunds are available
REGISTRATIONS (for all Events):
- €25 for 10k
- €40 for Half Marathon
Please note all chip pick-ups will be at the Oxfield Community Centre from 10am. For insurance purposes athletes taking part must be aged 18 or over.
- 12:00pm 1/2 Marathon (Carney Village)
- 12:00pm 10k Walk (Carney Village)
- 12:30pm 10k Run (Carney Village)
- 2:00pm Prize-giving (Oxfield Centre)
For all relevant information on travelling, parking, checking in, race day facilities, the race routes, please see our Race Information document.
This community charity event only happens thanks to the time and effort of our volunteers and the support of many local businesses and individuals. A full list of all our sponsors will be displayed on the day and on this page in the coming days.
From the Carney 10k & Sligo Half Marathon Organising Committee, the Oxfield Community Centre and Carney Tidy Towns...
E N J O Y Y O U R R U N !
For further information please email coretiming@gmail.com or oxfieldcentre@gmail.com
Every year the proceeds of the event go to local charities and community groups. In 2023 our chosen charity was North West Stop and we were delighted to present them with a cheque for €2,734 in May 2023. Thanks again to everyone who has supported, and continues to support, this fantastic event!!!