Welcome to the webpage for the Rathcormac & Drumcliffe Community Alert Group
Aims of the Group:
(i) The replacing of existing community alert signs where necessary and erecting new signs where needed. Should you consider need for a new sign in your area please contact your local coordinator or a committee member.
(ii) The establishment of BE “ALERT
SMS” (short message service). This is a
quick and simple way to communicate short messages via mobile phone. Its
popularity is mainly due to its convenience and cost effectiveness. BE ALERT
SMS is the group texting service for community alerts in conjunction with the
Garda. Details of how BE ALERT SMS works will be outlined in the next issue of
this Newsletter.
‘Be Alert SMS’ - How it Works…
Here’s a brief description of how the Be Alert SMS scheme works:
(i) Each person in the scheme gives their mobile phone number to their Area Coordinator. No name is necessary just the phone number (mobile).
(ii) The Committee then submits the list of numbers to a group text provider (in our case Grapevine Communications based in Bishopstown Co Cork).
(iii) The provider then sets the numbers up on a database.
(iv) If a person notices something unusual or suspicious to them in his or her area, they dial the local Garda station 915700.
(v) The Garda then investigates and checks out the information
(vi) if the Garda then considers it necessary Grapevine Communications are contacted.
(vii) By a password procedure the relevant information is then communicated by text message to all registered mobile numbers in our area.
Sample text message: “A green Ford Mondeo was stolen in XXX area
last night, Reg No XXXX, please report any sightings to your local Gardaí”.
It is important to remember that Grapevine Communications adhere to all Data Protection Legislation. They never store recipients’ names, only their numbers. They also guarantee that they never pass any numbers to third parties. It is essential to remember that all inquiries must be conducted only by the Gardaí.
If you want to report something:
Always ring the Garda Station in Sligo first...
071 915700
News and Useful Info:
October 2013 Rathcormac & Drumcliffe Community Alert Newsletter, click here
April 2013 Rathcormac & Drumcliffe Community Alert Newsletter, click here
To view updates from the Oxfield Community Newsletters, click here
Your Community Alert Group:
Pictured below are some of the Area Coordinators and committee members at a recent meeting