Oxfield Redevelopment
While it has served us well down through the years, the existing centre at Oxfield no longer meets the needs of our community. That is why we are embarking on an ambitious redevelopment of the existing buildings.

A New Vision...
Towards the end of 2009, a group of like minded people from across the community came together to explore options for improving the existing Oxfield Centre.
The vision is to provide a modern multipurpose faclility which we hope will serve our entire community for generations to come.
Ultimately the Oxfield Centre will include:
- 2 dressing rooms for outdoor activities
- 2 dressing rooms for indoor facilities
- Toilets serving the Centre
- Multipurpose community rooms
- Improved building entrance
- Storage space
- PreSchool facility
- Catering facilities
- Gym
- Improved parking facilities
- Children's outdoor play area
- Improved pedestrian/cyclist facilities
- Improved pedestrians/cyclists link to Carney Village
Phase 1 - Roof and Heating System (Completed)...
On the back of a very successful fundraising initiative in 2011, the Oxfield 500 Club Draw, and with grant aid funding from Sligo Leader, the first phase of the Centre’s Redevelopment project started in May 2012 and was completed by the end of that summer. It was delivered on time and within budget.
This project has brought in vital improvements for the continued use and operation of the Centre - replacement of the old asbestos roof with a new insulated roof; installation of a new efficient heating system, including solar heaters for water; installation of a new fire detection system, new high level windows to the main hall; and the much needed refurbishment of the ladies toilets.
Cost of Project: €158,000
Oxfield Fundraising: €40,000 (25%)
Sligo Leader Grant Aid: €118,000 (75%)

(Photos during and after re-roofing of the Oxfield Centre)
Phase 2 - New Dressing Room & Ladies Toilets (Completed)...
The next phase of the project was to provide a 3rd dressing room, a new suite of Female toilets, a wheelchair accessible toilet, and a baby changing facility, all of which were badly needed to meet the needs of our growing community, sports/community clubs and user groups.
The project, which was constructed by Donlon Building & Civil Engineering Contractors, started in November 2016 and was completed in June 2017.
Cost of Project: €94,776
Oxfield Fundraising: €47,776
Sports Capital Funding: €47,000

Phase 3 - New Community Spaces, new effluent system, new dressing room, new Gents toilets, and refurbishment...
The third phase of the redevelopment of the Oxfield Centre is the most significant to date, and will be a game-changer in terms of improving and adding community facilities. With grant aid funding secured from the Sligo Leader Company of €200,000, and in the hope that the community can raise €40,000 matching funding, this project will deliver:
- A new effluent treatment system & percolation area
- A 4th dressing modern room
- New Male toilets
- Two new multipurpose community rooms through the conversion of the disused squash court into 2 floors
- Two new storage rooms
In parallel with the above, Oxfield has also secured funding from Sports Capital Programme (€49,000) and Sligo County Council (€7,500) which will help to deliver:
- Refurbishment/enlargement of the 2 old dressing rooms, including new toilets and showers
- Provision of Referee changing facilities
- Refurbishment of the external toilet
- Replacement of windows and doors
- Creation of a new reception desk
- Provision of a new broadband connection and WiFi for the building
Progress to date...
Oct '09 - Establishment of Redevelopment Committee
Feb '10 - Professional appraisal of existing buildings
Mar '10 - Architect Selection / Concept Competition
Apr '10 - Appointment of Project Architect
Jun '10 - Stakeholder/Community Consultation (Phase 1)
Aug '10 - Explore options and assess feedback received
Sep '11 - Major Fundraising Draw (Oxfield 500 Club)
Dec '11 - Lodgement of Ph1 Leader Application
Mar '12 - Leader Funding and UCIT Bridging Finance Approved
Jun '12 - Phase 1 Works commence
Aug '12 - Phase 1 Works complete
Mar '13 - First Draft of Masterplan for Oxfield Community Park
Jun '13 - Stakeholder/Community Consultations
Nov '13 - Major Fundraising (Monster Draw)
Dec '13 - Design and Planning Application
Jul '14 - Awarded of €47,000 Sports Capital Grant
Aug '14 - Grant of Planning Permission
Jan '15 - Stakeholder/Community Consultation (Phase 2)
Apr '15 - Application to 2015 Sports Capital (unsuccessful)
Sep '16 - Phase 2 Tender Process
Nov '16 - Phase 2 Works commence
Jun '17 - Phase 2 Works complete
Oct '17 - Phase 3 Tender process (I)
Apr '18 - Phase 3 Tender process (ii)
May '18 - Oxfield Centre gets some much needed paint!
Jun '18 - Lodgement of Ph3 Leader Application
Sep '18 - Awarded of €151,000 Leader Funding
What's next...
- Raise matching funding for Phase 3 project (Nov/Dec 2018)
- Commence works (Jan 2019)
- Complete works (Jun 2019)
How you can help...
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The sole purpose of this development plan is to improve the facilities for the wider community. If we work together, there is no reason we cannot achieve our dreams!